
« When there is trust between a patient and their dentist, everything is easier.»

Dr Minna Riihimaki, Dentist


We invite you to meet Minna Riihimäki, a dentist at Smile and Care in Les Eaux-Vives. She’s a woman driven by a passion for her profession, but that’s not all.

In a nutshell, what is your background?

I’m originally from Finland. I left Finland when I was very young, attracted by the Alps and motivated to study medicine and French. In 1994, I passed the medical entrance exam to study in Grenoble. I was naturally drawn to dentistry, and went on to study at the Faculty of Dentistry in Lyon, before ultimately continuing my studies in Geneva. When I was a child, we used to spend our winter holidays in Switzerland, and I quickly realised that I absolutely loved the mountains – and the high mountains, at that. So for me, ending my university studies in Geneva was ideal: not only was I closer to the Alps, but I also found university teaching in Geneva to be more open, modern, and considerate than in France.

What reasons led to your naturally gravitating towards this profession?   

Basically, it allows me to be completely independent; it fosters social interaction, and stimulates me intellectually. What’s more, I’ve always wanted to work in a manual profession. It allows me to have a good work/life balance: I organise my time between long work-days and free days, when I can enjoy the mountains. I’ve lived in Chamonix for 28 years, and work here at Smile and Care three days a week.

How did your story with Smile and Care begin?

I met Isabelle Dessaix-Bek, an associate dentist, at the University of Geneva. She was a periodontics assistant, and I was her student. A bond was formed, and we started working together in 2010.

At Smile and Care, the teams are professional, and the patient care is comprehensive. The other specialists and our multidisciplinary skills enable us to provide all types of dental care. Our clinics also ensure that patients are treated with discretion and kindness – this kindness is very important, and extends to our colleagues as well.  What’s more, our premises are modern, comfortable, and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Our work environment is exceptional, and patients feel good here.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I’ve always wanted to bring well-being to those around me and improve the health of others. I’ve had a passion for the medical profession since I was very young! I love this job because every appointment is different. There’s the human relationship and the challenge of offering the right care. I’m a woman who thrives on challenges (smile). My job also gives me the opportunity to keep training. Techniques are advancing fast, and I’m lucky enough to be learning every day.

What does this job teach you?

Above all, humility! You have to be sharp, assertive, and able to make quick, well-considered decisions. First and foremost, I put myself in my patients’ shoes and ask myself what the best solution is. Every patient is different, and that’s what makes our job so rewarding. Pleasure and gratitude are part of the job: when they come back for a check-up, I love telling my patients that there’s nothing more to be done! Preventative care is obviously also part of our job and mission.

What types of dental care do you provide?

I’m what’s known as a “general dentist”:  I provide all types of dental care – from cavity and wisdom teeth treatment, to fixed and removable dentures. I divide my time between standard dental care and surgery.

Who are your patients?

In the past, I used to work  used to work a lot with children, but we now have a specialist in pedodontics, Dr Anaïs Charbit. Today, my patients range between the ages of 14 and 99. They appreciate simple, clear explanations. As I work, I tend to explain what is being done, so that they have the relevant information about their treatment and understand the reasons for a particular procedure. This sometimes helps them to accept more complex treatments.

Do your patients tend to be loyal to you?

Yes, we all have some; the relationship between a dentist and a patient is an important one. That said, I also deal with emergencies, so I also treat new patients. Loyalty is important because, when you know a patient’s treatment history, decision-making and communication is easier. They are also more relaxed.

We often hear about the fear of going to the dentist. Myth or reality?

As I said earlier, the relationship between the care provider and the patient plays an important role. Generally speaking, anaesthesia is always the most challenging time, but when trust has been established, everything is easier. Techniques have truly advanced today: needles are smaller, and products are more effective and at lower doses. For many, though, the injection is still an injection (smile).

In your opinion, what qualities are needed to do this job well?

Above all, it’s important to like people. You also have to be able to concentrate and empathise so as to reassure and convince. Manual dexterity is also a crucial element.

Let’s talk about one of your personal projects: “sisu”

Sisu is a project that is close to my heart. A few years ago, I had a very serious skiing accident that resulted in thirteen operations, two bouts of septicaemia and complications that lasted for four years. The doctors told me I would never walk again. That’s when I started writing about sisu. It is a Finnish philosophy, and a word that doesn’t have a direct translation in French – or in any other language, for that matter.

Sisu is similar to courage, but is in fact far more than that: it is an inner strength that enables you to get through anything without ever giving up. As long as there’s hope, as long as you can move forward, you go for it. Thanks to this determination – indeed, thanks to sisu – not only did I walk again, but I still climb mountains. I now give talks to companies and organisations to share the benefits of sisu with as many people as possible.

Does sisu influence the way you do your job?

Absolutely. It is a daily pursuit – a need to see things through to the end, and continued training is part of that. It is a personal approach that you cultivate, one that becomes an inner strength. Sisu enables you to compare yourself day to day and see how far you’ve come.

What are your professional development objectives?

I’d like to continue learning in dentistry. New techniques in dental surgery are becoming increasingly precise and much faster. Implantology is evolving considerably, as is radiology, with new imaging technologies. You can learn something new every day – that’s the beauty of it!

Read an article about sisu under this link.


“The palate is the roof of the mouth and the base of the nose. If the palate doesn’t develop properly, breathing can’t happen properly.”

Dr Lucia Voces, Dentist specialising in orthodontics

Lucia Voces studied and practiced as a dentist in Madrid for over three years. She then moved to Switzerland for private reasons, motivated to learn another language and immerse herself in another culture. After two years in an orthodontic clinic based in Montreux, she joined the Smile and Care team in Les Eaux-Vives.

Why did you decide to do orthodontics?

Orthodontics requires excellence, perfectionism, and empathy. I love attention to detail, having the chance to improve smiles, being able to provide a perfect result, better swallowing – and ultimately, a better quality of life for patients. I enjoy taking care of the patient in general. I’m a meticulous person, and orthodontics is the art of the finer details. I feel I’m in my element: it requires meticulous attention to detail.

For what types of treatment do patients consult an orthodontist?

There are three main reasons for consultation:

  1. Children: By the age of 10, most of the permanent teeth have come in – and indeed, it’s at this age we recommend having an initial check-up. If you put it off for few years, treatment will generally take longer. At this age, orthodontics can be used to correct problems with breathing, swallowing, or lack of space.
  2. Adults: In adults, the problems vary: missing teeth need to be replaced by implants or require restorative work. Orthodontics is used to prepare the implant sites. Very often, orthodontic treatment is used to correct sleep disorders – particularly snoring – as the jaw often suffers from growth problems.
  3. More aesthetic care, such as the alignment of teeth. Very often, though, there is significant dental work to be done.

What types of dental care?

The consequences of problems in jaw growth are clear and uncomfortable, such as breathing difficulties. Depending on how the palate grows,  when a child breathes through the mouth, this exerts negative pressure on the palate and the tongue isn’t properly positioned. The palate is the roof of the mouth and the base of the nose. It’s all linked! If the palate doesn’t develop correctly, breathing can’t happen properly, either. It is very important to correct this as early as possible – sometimes with the support of speech therapists.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The chance to work with children. The orthodontic profession is also manual work, involving fine finishing touches. It’s not a rote job, you have to have a feel for it. So, I think I’m made for this profession.

What qualities do you think are needed to do this job well?

You have to be meticulous and a perfectionist, and to communicate good energy to patients. I’m naturally enthusiastic; I like to smile, and the patients feel it. I try to give off a good, dynamic, and positive energy.

How do dental technologies help orthodontic treatment today?

They enable us to plan treatments as accurately as possible, and to draw up a treatment schedule before we even begin. Using cephalometry (dental X-rays), I’m able to very precisely measure how many millimetres the teeth need to be moved, and in which direction. My aim is for the results of our treatments to be long-lasting, not just cosmetic.

What type of orthodontic work do you perform on children?

With children, we work both on the jaw to ensure there’s enough room for the teeth, and on alignment. As I’ve already mentioned, good orthodontic treatment has a positive influence on phonation (the utterance of speech sounds), breathing, and swallowing. We work with speech therapists and osteopaths where necessary.

And with adults?

We also work on aligning teeth (Invisalign aligners or braces), correcting bruxism (the grinding of teeth), or preparing the necessary space for future implants.

Aesthetic orthodontics is proving popular with many people. What are your thoughts on this?

I think aesthetics are important: a smile says a lot about a person. As Coco Chanel used to say, you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. Today, Invisalign treatments are invisible and painless. Many of our patients seek perfection… and I’m a fan of detail.

What are your professional development goals?

I’m lucky enough to be able to share my knowledge and skills with my colleagues. Smile and Care has two clinics that are recognised for their excellence in orthodontic care. We have real talent here, both in terms of know-how and interpersonal skills. I want to help us become the benchmark dental clinic for orthodontic care.

Why did you choose to work for Smile and Care?

I especially enjoy working at Smile and Care because we offer all dentistry disciplines. This enables us to take a holistic approach to patients, with a philosophy of excellence and empathy; these values are deeply rooted, and ones I am sensitive to. We also have a great team spirit.


“There’s no magic bullet: your dental hygiene has to be impeccable.”

 Marina Berner, dental hygienist at Smile and Care Eaux-Vives and Grand-Saconnex

Marina Berner is a dental hygienist at the Smile and Care clinics in Eaux-Vives and Grand-Saconnex. Passionate about the healthcare sector, and after earning a Swiss Federal Certificate of Professional Competence (CFC) in dental assistance and two years’ professional experience, she completed a 3-year full-time training course in dental hygiene before joining Smile and Care.


What do you like the most about your job?

This job is, above all, a manual job – something I absolutely love: I didn’t see myself doing an administrative job. I really enjoy interacting with the patients and being able to follow their progress in terms of dental hygiene. Preventative care also plays a major role in my job.

In your opinion, what are the qualities needed for doing this job well? 

My goal is to help patients maintain their dental health. It’s a job that requires meticulousness and patience: meticulousness, because it often involves very delicate work to avoid their experiencing pain, and patience, because it’s about knowing how to take the time to carry out a good dental cleaning and to establish a good connection.

What are the main treatments you provide?

I mainly carry out dental scaling and bleaching. As a hygienist, I’m responsible for preventing dental pathologies linked to the presence of dental plaque – like cavities and gingivitis. Another part of the dental hygienist’s job is to teach our patients the principles of good oral hygiene, which means keeping their mouths healthy and using good brushing techniques.

Why is dental scaling so important for children and adults alike? 

As a general rule, we focus on the 4 pillars of preventative care, and dental scaling is part of this.

These pillars are:

  1. Brushing your teeth: You should brush your teeth two to three times a day, preferably after meals. It is particularly important to brush thoroughly in the evening before going to bed. Brushing in the evening is the most important, since teeth are most vulnerable at night, when the protective flow of saliva decreases.
  2. Dental scaling: This should be done twice a year for adults, and once a year for children.
  3. Fluoride intake: We recommend using fluoridated toothpaste or fluoride-enriched mouthwashes.
  4. A healthy diet: It’s important to be careful and to follow dietary rules: avoid foods and drinks with too much sugar, and avoid snacking.

How is dental scaling different for children?

Children are less prone to tartar than adults, but require more guidance in dental hygiene. While every patient is of course very different, awareness of the importance of oral health isn’t always obvious for children. For us, the importance of repeated explanations makes perfect sense, which is why an annual dental scaling appointment is crucial.

When it comes to dental hygiene, what are the most widespread problems in general?

Bad breath, the risk of developing cavities, and gum inflammation. Gingivitis is a gum disease caused by an accumulation of dental plaque. It develops into periodontal disease, which leads to bone loss around the teeth and to receding gums. The process is insidious because it is painless and leads to tooth loss.

How many dental scalings per year do you recommend?

Every patient is different. But as a general rule, we recommend two dental scalings per year. That said, certain patients need a cleaning every quarter, while others need it only once a year. Dental scaling is an important marker, enabling us to detect any other pathologies, and allowing the dental hygienist to guide the patient towards other specialists in our two clinics.

What do you say to someone who doesn’t dare do a dental scaling for fear of their gums hurting?

Today, we have a number of different solutions available that allow us to carry out pain-free dental scalings, such as anaesthesia or anaesthetic gel. The Airflow and ultrasound are also valuable instruments. If dental hygiene is good, though, dental scaling normally isn’t painful.

What technical developments are helping to improve oral hygiene?

Regular brushing – at least twice a day – is still the baseline. Then, we recommend using dental floss or interdental brushes. It all depends on the patient, their skills, and the space between their teeth.

What’s the magic bullet for no cavities and for keeping a perfect smile? 

(Smiling) There’s no magic bullet: your dental hygiene has to be impeccable!

Which toothbrush do you recommend?

We recommend traditional toothbrushes as much as we do electric ones. We guide patients based on their dexterity, their mouth, and their age.

Are patients loyal to their dental hygienist? 

Over 80% of my patients are ones who come back regularly. The fact of having access to specialists (orthodontists, dentists, periodontists) within the same clinic allows for overall patient care, and fosters closeness and a climate of confidence.

How do you see your professional growth?

I really enjoy my job and the contact it gives me with patients. I would now like to take the local anaesthetic course for dental hygienists.

The profession of dental hygienist in a nutshell

A dental hygienist’s main activities include preventative care, treatment, and administrative work. They prevent and treat diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, periodontitis), eliminate inflammatory factors (tartar, plaque), and teach patients the preventative measures needed to keep their teeth and the tissues that support them healthy.

Training to become a dental hygienist takes 3 years on a full-time basis. Practical training is provided in the first and second years in the school’s teaching clinic, followed by a long-term internship in the third year.

Find out more on this link.



« The well-being of my patients is crucial. »

Margaux Tournier, dental hygienist

Margaux Tournier has been a dental hygienist at the Sonnex clinic in Grand-Saconnex for 10 years. She holds a diploma from the Geneva School of Dental Hygiene and had already completed her final-year training at Smile and Care in 2013.
What do you like most about your job?

It’s undeniably the personal contact because my patients’ wellbeing is paramount. A patient’s oral health is linked to their general health, and that’s what makes my role useful. I like people to feel good, both in terms of hygiene and aesthetics.

In your opinion, what qualities are needed to do this job well?

Precision, listening, caring, and a touch of perfectionism (smile). The hygienist’s personality goes a long way, especially with anxious patients. I enjoy being able to give them advice.

Do you have many anxious patients?

Yes, and their fears are mostly due to bad experiences. Nowadays, our approach is patient-focused, and our ability to know how to behave is crucial for the patient’s wellbeing. You have to be alert to the slightest sign of pain. Some patients ask for a local anaesthetic before treatment. Since I was recently trained in local anaesthesia (in Geneva), I can do this.

Is scaling as important for children as it is for adults?

It is indeed just as important! To create habits, it’s important for children to learn about dental hygiene as early as possible. Sometimes, scaling can be done as early as 2 years old, on baby teeth, when there is significant tartar, or when parents are unable to clean the child’s mouth. We take the opportunity to show parents the right steps and give them advice on prophylaxis (hygiene, diet). Not treating baby teeth has an impact on permanent teeth. I recommend once-yearly scaling from 6 years of age, at the same time as the dental check-up. How long it lasts depends on the young patient’s dental hygiene, diet, and the amount of tartar build-up.

How is scaling done differently with children?

The approach is clearly more playful: everything is explained and shown, including the plaque staining exercise.

What general dental hygiene problems are the most common?

There are no general problems in this field, which is what makes it exciting! We deal with multifactorial problems. Dental hygiene affects everything: the patient’s overall lifestyle, diet, medication, brushing techniques, and profession. Each patient is different and requires a personalised approach and examination.

As dental hygienists, we play a crucial role in prevention. In general, the patient comes to see the hygienist and we refer them to the specialists who can deal with their pathology: periodontist, pedodontist, etc.

Is there a link between a patient’s general health and their oral health?

Yes – and this link goes both ways. For example, dental hygiene and controlling diabetes go hand in hand. The same stands true for inflammatory or autoimmune diseases. This is where our advisory role comes into its own. When the first signs of pain appear, it is often too late. Our profession is about prevention and maintenance.

What technical developments are there in improving oral hygiene?

The electric toothbrush is often recommended as part of hygiene protocols. Indeed, it enables thorough brushing and is useful in the event of problems with arthritis. It is not, however, suitable for everyone – especially those with very sensitive or thin gums.

What’s the miracle solution for keeping a perfect smile?

Brush 3 times a day with fluoride toothpaste and use an interdental tool at least once a day. Sugar consumption and snacking should be avoided, and regular check-ups – at least once a year – should be done by a dental hygienist.

Is there an ideal time to brush your teeth?

If there is a time to remember, it’s in the evening, when all the plaque that has accumulated during the day is removed. Two good brushings a day are essential: in the morning and in the evening. If you don’t have time at lunchtime, a fluoride mouthwash can help.

What do you say to someone who doesn’t dare do dental scaling because their gums are sore?

Nowadays, there are many ways to avoid pain. At Smile and Care, we don’t treat patients who are experiencing pain – it’s unthinkable. There are dental desensitisers and local anaesthetics that alleviate this problem.


To know everything about dental scaling, click on this link!


Dentistry is a constantly evolving field, with new technologies constantly being offered to professionals in the field. At Smile and Care, we are committed to ensuring that our patients receive accurate diagnoses, efficient care, and comfort at every stage of the treatment plan.

Our equipment

1. TV screens ensuring comfort and detailed care

Lying in armchairs that ensure their maximum comfort, our patients can watch a film or a series during dental care or learn more about the treatment being given as the latter can also be projected on the screen.

2. The 3D scanner: ideal for digital dental impressions

caméra intra orale smile care

The 3D intra-oral scanner creates a digital 3D image of your teeth, which then enables the laboratory to create computer-generated dental prostheses (aligners, veneers, crowns, and bridges). This intra-oral scanner is a real diagnostic and digital impression tool.

Discover the 3D scanner in detail on this link.

3. Promax 3D: an ultra-accurate 3D scanner with maximum comfort

Equipped with a touch-screen, this 3D dental imaging machine is fast and ensures that our patients stay relaxed, comfortable, and do not feel claustrophobic. A relaxed patient guarantees better-quality imaging. This high-tech device meets a multitude of diagnostic needs, namely: endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, or implantology.

More information on this technology on this link.

4. The Sopro intra-oral camera, ideal for detecting caries

la caméra Sopro, un instrument révolutionnaire dans la détection de caries

Now a world standard in high-resolution imaging, this camera opens up new possibilities for diagnosing caries and for periodontal treatment. The camera instantly highlights caries, plaque, and gum inflammation. This new instrument enables us to do a complete and rapid assessment of your oral health. The camera has the SOPRO patent based on fluorescence.

Find out more about the intra-oral camera on this link.

5. Airflow: the latest prevention and treatment technology for the removal of biofilm, stains, and tartar

Made in Switzerland and developed in the Nyon-based EMS research centre, it guarantees Swiss precision. Dedicated to gum treatments and handled by the Smile and Care periodontal specialist, it guarantees maximum oral hygiene. In supra- and sub-gingival use, the device effectively removes bacterial film and recently-formed stains, offering patients exceptional comfort.

Discover the Airflow technology on this link.

6. Quicksleeper, for painless anaesthesia

Pédodontie traitements pour enfants

Fear of pain affects a large share of our patients – and children are no exception. To avoid painful anaesthesia, our pedodontists use a painless, localised, and effective anaesthetic technique called Quicksleeper. Throughout the treatment, the dental assistant ensures the wellbeing of the child and the parents.

Thanks to this solution, the fear of injections is over! This transcortical anaesthesia technique allows for a painless and highly localised injection. As a result, the child’s lip or tongue will not be numb, thus avoiding accidental biting or the discomfort caused by a classic anaesthetic. Presented in the form of a magic pen, the child will not be afraid of the injection.

Find out more about the Quicksleeper use in providing special care to children on this link.

7. A state-of-the-art microscope for excellent dentistry

The M320D dental microscope provides optimal visualisation of both surgical and non-surgical dental treatments. Endodontics, periodontics, and implantology are performed with high precision, and treatment results are optimised. The microscope also allows the 4K images to be shown to the patient live or via video. Treatment options are therefore discussed in an informative and simple way. The treatment of caries, root canals, prosthetic work, and all fine surgery are therefore greatly facilitated, and the results obtained greatly increased.

8. Sterilisation

All sterilisation processes are approved by the Federal Office of Public Health and apply the Federal Act on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of 15 December 2000, as well as the Medical Devices Ordinance (MedDO, or ODim in French) of 17 October 2001. We ensure the full traceability of the sterilisation process.


“At Smile and Care, dentists and dental assistants always prioritise dialogue to find solutions together.”

 Julia Orteza, Head Dental Assistant


Julia Orteza is the Head Dental Assistant at Smile and Care Eaux-Vives. Born in the Philippines, she came to Switzerland at the age of nine as her father worked with the United Nations in Geneva. She shares with us her motivation for her job.

What are the tasks of a dental assistant?

I assist the dentists in their treatments, sterilize the instruments, greet patients, and deal with administration. My role is often to soothe the patients as soon as they arrive (smile). Not everyone likes going to the dentist. I’m there to listen to them and help them relax.

You are Head Dental Assistant. What are your responsibilities?

I supervise two certified dental assistants and two apprentices. I manage the scheduling and team organisation. While every doctor has an assistant, we have a flexible work dynamic. A dental assistant can work with all the dentists – except for surgical dentistry, which is more specific. I also place orders for dental supplies. I was previously in charge of the Smile and Care centre in Grand-Saconnex in Sonnex, where there is a pool of six dental assistants.

You’re now based at the Smile and Care centre in Eaux-Vives. Was this a big change for you?

I was of course happy to join the new centre in Eaux-Vives; the equipment is new and high-tech, it’s bright and easily accessible. But the team spirit remains the same, and I really like my job for that reason. We are versatile and flexible, and really work as a team. I make sure that my colleagues feel supported during the holidays, and we find solutions with my colleague Allison in Sonnex.

What was your background before Smile and Care? 

After the “Cycle d’Orientation”*, I attended a business school for a year, but it just wasn’t for me. I like the field; I like working more manually. I love handling dental instruments! In my family, many of us work in the area of personal care. I was then able to do a pre-apprenticeship in a dental clinic, followed by a three-year apprenticeship. I specialised in orthodontic care.

I was then lucky enough to join the Smile and Care team, which offers me the variety I seek. At Smile and Care, people are important: we’re not guided by volume, but by quality. We are neither big nor small: we’re just the right size.

What did you gain from this training?

I have to admit that when I was younger, I was really shy. This job has helped me to open up to others, to speak with patients – be they adults or children. It’s been a real path of personal growth.

What do you like most about your job?

The variety, definitely! No two days are alike. And the contact with the patients, of course! We form a harmonious team that enjoys working together, and we always prefer dialogue as a way to finding solutions together.

What qualities do you think are essential for a Head Dental Assistant?

You have to be able to handle stress well, find quick solutions, and listen to patients, doctors, and assistants. Punctuality is also a prerequisite.

What types of dental care or techniques do you prefer to perform?

I have a soft spot for orthodontic care, as I enjoy working with children and young adults. After three years of experience and training in orthodontics, I’m now very familiar with the instruments, products, and techniques. Orthodontics is an exciting field!

Before or after a dental treatment, what exchanges do you have with dentists?

Before greeting a patient, we look over their file together, and the dentist explains what’ll be done during the appointment. And most of the time, we also debrief afterwards, so as to anticipate future consultations.

How do you see your professional development?

I would like to stay at Smile and Care for several years, because I love the team – whether it grows or stays as is. I’m happy to get up and go to work every morning!

*The “Cycle d’Orientation” (CO) is the first part of the secondary education system in place in the cantons of Geneva, Fribourg, and Valais. It is divided into three years (9th – 11th) and marks the end of compulsory schooling at about 15-16 years of age.


Karim Abdelghafar Médecin dentiste


« Every patient is unique. »

Dr Karim Abdelghafar, dentist at Smile and Care

Dr Karim Abdelghafar is open about his passion for dentistry. With a Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD) degree from the University of Geneva, he shares his thoughts on his profession. Interview.


Why did you choose to go into dentistry?

Dentistry combines science, people, and manual skills. Every patient is a new challenge for me, and every day, I’m filled with gratitude for – and joy from – practicing this profession. In fact, I’ve made this choice twice in my career (smiles): the first time was when I was studying dentistry at Cairo University, where I did a Master’s degree in Oral Pathology, a specialty dealing with oral tumours.

Then in 2015, I moved to Geneva for family reasons. While I could have chosen another professional field, I opted instead to redo the entire dental training course at the Geneva School of Dental Medicine, earning my federal diploma in 2019. In addition to working as a dentist at Smile and Care, I am also a lecturer at the University of Geneva where I am doing a doctoral degree in conservative dental treatments; these consist in removing any caries while preserving as much healthy dental material as possible.

What kind of treatments do you offer?

I am a General Dentist. I provide general dental care, ranging from cavity treatment to more aesthetic care requiring fixed or removable prostheses, to pedodontics (paediatric dental treatment), or endodontics (root canal treatment). The majority of treatments are aesthetic ones. Replacing old fillings with resin composites, for example, can improve a patient’s oral health while offering a more aesthetic result.

In your opinion, what qualities are necessary to do this job well?

Swiss dentistry follows quality guidelines, and protocols are rigorously followed. One must be meticulous and have a lot of patience because each patient is unique. To understand the problem and bring the appropriate solution, thorough analysis is crucial. Obviously, scientific knowledge is essential – the patient has to feel that the treatment plan we’re offering is the most reliable and the best-suited to his situation. Pedagogy and empathy are also essential when it comes to explaining things to patients in simple terms. Indeed, my job is to make my patients understand that ‘giving a smile back’ isn’t just a slogan!

Is your job different during dental emergencies?

Whether during the week or at the weekend, emergency care aims to make a diagnosis and – mainly – manage pain and infection. We have to be fast, efficient. Each patient is a new challenge, and there’s no advance planning! Managing these situations requires experience, concentration, and meticulousness.

Can you think of a patient who presented a particular challenge for you?

Yes, absolutely! On Christmas Eve, a patient came to the Eaux-Vives centre. In her late sixties, she had somewhat neglected her dental care and urgently needed a repair on her removable prosthesis. Smile and Care has been collaborating for many years now with the Allinlab laboratory; I contacted them immediately to discuss the patient’s situation. We communicated very well – and in fact, this is something that isn’t often discussed: communication between a dentist and the laboratory is crucial! Together, we were able to find a temporary solution for the holiday season.

After the holidays, I fitted her with a permanent prosthesis. She cried about it, telling me she felt highly confident in our work and her treatment plan. Following this episode, I’ve watched how this patient – who returns regularly for check-ups – has gained confidence, both personally and professionally.

What about technology, how does it influence treatment?

The intraoral scanner is clearly a technological advance. Today, progress in dentistry is just amazing, and enables greater precision. That said, a tool is only as good as the practitioner using it!

What are your professional development goals?

I’ll have finished by doctorate in two years’ time. I believe a good dentist should share with his or her peers and colleagues. Our practice is multidisciplinary; it’s by sharing that we develop our knowledge. Our model is based on excellence in care, materials, and communication between specialists. We find the best solutions together.


“Our job is a form of craftsmanship: we have to master the technical skills and be creative.”

Dr Maria Bilinska, Dentist at Smile and Care

From a very young age, Maria Bilinska dreamed of becoming a dentist. An old diary – found years later – bears witness to this. What she loves most about her job is the contact with patients and the ability to offer highly technical solutions in their treatments. This specialist joined the Smile and Care team at Eaux-Vives a year ago, and her enthusiasm is clear. Interview.

What do you like most about your job?

Being able to support patients in their treatments while working in a pleasant environment. Dentistry gives me a sense of accomplishment by truly listening to my patients. Our job is a form of craftsmanship: we have to master the technical skills and be creative. I feel like I’ve found my calling.

In your view, what qualities are necessary for doing this job well?

Working as a dentist requires solid theoretical training, excellent dexterity, concentration, and precision. The human element is fundamental: showing patience and tact is crucial for easing patient anxieties, as is giving detailed explanations of the reasons for – and course of – the treatment plan. Fear of the dentist – the avoidance of dental care – can have devastating consequences on a patient’s overall health. Our role is both educational and medical. It’s also important to be curious, as the medical profession is constantly evolving; indeed, we have to undergo training throughout our careers.

What types of treatments do you provide?

As a general dentist, my role is to assess oral health, carry out examinations, treat cavities, fix broken teeth, treat infected roots, and offer prosthetic solutions (onlays, crowns, bridges, implant-supported prostheses, removable prostheses…), but also to carry out simple extractions in the event of significant tooth damage. If the treatment plan requires a more specific technique – orthodontics, surgery, or periodontics – I refer my patients to a specialist within our dental clinic.

Give us an idea about a particular technical case…

Occasionally, patients can present real challenges. It’s important to support them with adopting new lifestyle habits and to help them understand that some of their habits are bad for their health – here, I’m referring in particular to tobacco, sugary drinks, or issues with bruxism[1]. We offer a range of solutions, in collaboration with other medical specialists – osteopaths, nutritionists, etc. Dentistry is a very holistic discipline.

You regularly hold interdisciplinary sessions with other Smile and Care specialists. How are these exchanges beneficial?

Every treatment plan needs to be taken as a whole and involve all the practitioners (general dentist, orthodontist, periodontal specialist, implant specialist, etc.) During the interdisciplinary sessions, we discuss any anatomical and medical considerations, and examine the occlusion and potential limitations in order to provide highly personalised treatments that are adapted to each patient’s circumstances.

Smile and Care regularly invests in technological innovation. Which instruments do you use the most?

Without a doubt, the digital scanner is an indispensable tool. It allows us to scan and send dental impressions directly to the lab, to show patients 3D scans, and improve workspace ergonomics. Making dental impressions using intraoral scan is also much more comfortable for the patients than the classic dental impression paste.

What are your professional development goals?

I want to stay abreast of technical and scientific innovations, as these are constantly evolving. To continue being an excellent dentist, I want to maintain my training, document my work, and develop.

What advice would you give a youngster who is starting out or who would like to practice your profession?
Find mentors in the profession and be sure that they are people who aren’t afraid to tell you the truth, because those who only tell you what you want to hear won’t help you develop. Keep your ego in check. Don’t forget that you’re there for the patients, and not the other way around. I would also add that teamwork, in an environment of mutual understanding and respect, is crucial.

[1] Bruxism is the involuntary and habitual grinding of the teeth, typically during sleep (Source: OED).



“Personalised follow-up of an orthodontic treatment is essential. Like my patients, I look forward to monitoring their progress.”

Dr Caroline De Carvalho, Orthodontist at Smile and Care

Holding a postgraduate degree in Orthodontics, Doctor Caroline de Carvalho is passionate about her profession. As meticulous as she is gentle, she divides her time between the Smile and Care dental centres of Eaux-Vives and Grand-Saconnex. Interview.


What do you like most about your job?

I’ve always been dedicated to working with children. Before becoming a dentist, I wanted to be a paediatrician!  Then, as part of my studies and my first professional experiences, I learned a lot about dental development in children. I then did a postgraduate degree in Orthodontics, which – today – allows me to combine working with children and orthodontics. My mission as an orthodontist is broader, too, as I enjoy encouraging them to adopt healthy dental hygiene habits over the long term.

In your opinion, what qualities are needed to do this job well?

Above all, it’s important to know how to manage the patient’s patience – as opposed to their impatience. Orthodontic treatment is often long, with results sometimes taking time. An essential quality also lies in seeking perfection and being attentive to the smallest of details. For this, precision, listening, and empathy are crucial qualities in guiding the patient towards the best treatment choice. I would also add that it’s important to know how to educate – be this for adults or children.

What type of orthodontics do you use with children?

I practice so-called “interceptive orthodontics”, which looks at preparing the mouth for the future adult teeth. In child orthodontics, interceptive treatment is the first level of correction. With the help of easy-to-use devices, the various jaw issues can be solved in advance. A child can start treatment as of 8 years of age, thereby reducing future treatments that might have to be done. The benefits are undeniable.

And with adults?

Adults are increasingly resorting to orthodontics, especially to treat the aesthetics of their teeth. An invisible orthodontic technique – Invisalign – enables the realignment of teeth without having to resort to the more visible treatments such as braces. More and more adults are coming to us for this type of treatment.

What are your professional development goals?

I get regular training on the Invisalign techniques, as the aligners offered are advancing apace with new technologies. Treatment plans in child orthodontics are also evolving; I get regular training in this area as well.

So, Invisalign avoids using braces?

Yes, today 50% of our treatments are done using the Invisalign technique, and 50% are with standard braces. Invisalign allows extremely precise control since a software enables the constant adaptation of the treatment. However, Invisalign does require patient discipline in wearing the aligners. But if they follow the instructions, the results are there. There’s also a digital app which now makes it possible to follow the treatment and communication with the patient. Follow-up is provided for both the patient and the orthodontist. That said, in-person orthodontic monitoring is extremely important, even when the process is digitized.