Interview « When there is trust between a patient and their dentist, everything is easier.» Dr Minna Riihimaki, Dentist   We invite you to meet Minna Riihimäki, a dentist at Smile and Care in Les Eaux-Vives. She’s a woman driven by a passion for her profession, but that’s not all. In a nutshell, what is […]

Dr Lucia Voces, Dentist specialising in orthodontics

Interview “The palate is the roof of the mouth and the base of the nose. If the palate doesn’t develop properly, breathing can’t happen properly.” Dr Lucia Voces, Dentist specialising in orthodontics Lucia Voces studied and practiced as a dentist in Madrid for over three years. She then moved to Switzerland for private reasons, motivated […]

Focus on dental hygienist : Interview Marina Berner

Interview “There’s no magic bullet: your dental hygiene has to be impeccable.”  Marina Berner, dental hygienist at Smile and Care Eaux-Vives and Grand-Saconnex Marina Berner is a dental hygienist at the Smile and Care clinics in Eaux-Vives and Grand-Saconnex. Passionate about the healthcare sector, and after earning a Swiss Federal Certificate of Professional Competence (CFC) […]

Interview of Margaux Tournier, dental hygienist

Interview « The well-being of my patients is crucial. » Margaux Tournier, dental hygienist Margaux Tournier has been a dental hygienist at the Sonnex clinic in Grand-Saconnex for 10 years. She holds a diploma from the Geneva School of Dental Hygiene and had already completed her final-year training at Smile and Care in 2013. What […]

Dental technologies

DENTAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR YOUR COMFORT Dentistry is a constantly evolving field, with new technologies constantly being offered to professionals in the field. At Smile and Care, we are committed to ensuring that our patients receive accurate diagnoses, efficient care, and comfort at every stage of the treatment plan. Our equipment 1. TV screens ensuring comfort […]

Interview of Julia Orteza, Head dental assistant

Interview “At Smile and Care, dentists and dental assistants always prioritise dialogue to find solutions together.”  Julia Orteza, Head Dental Assistant   Julia Orteza is the Head Dental Assistant at Smile and Care Eaux-Vives. Born in the Philippines, she came to Switzerland at the age of nine as her father worked with the United Nations […]

Interview with Dr. Maria Bilinska, dentist

Interview “Our job is a form of craftsmanship: we have to master the technical skills and be creative.” Dr Maria Bilinska, Dentist at Smile and Care From a very young age, Maria Bilinska dreamed of becoming a dentist. An old diary – found years later – bears witness to this. What she loves most about […]

Caroline de Carvalho, orthodontist, shares her passion for her profession

Interview “Personalised follow-up of an orthodontic treatment is essential. Like my patients, I look forward to monitoring their progress.” Dr Caroline De Carvalho, Orthodontist at Smile and Care Holding a postgraduate degree in Orthodontics, Doctor Caroline de Carvalho is passionate about her profession. As meticulous as she is gentle, she divides her time between the […]